
Welcome to the Coleshill Parish Council website.

Contacting the Parish Council

The Parish Clerk, Paul Messenger, is the point of contact for the Parish Council.  To contact her, use the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or use the Contact Us Form. Alternatively, you can phone her o07517 794647.

All letters for the Parish Council can be sent to: Coleshill Parish Council, Village Hall, Coleshill HP7 0LN (there is a post-box to the side of the village hall)

For Parish Council News, please click here.

 Parish Council meetings

The Parish Council meetings are usually held in the Village Hall unless indicated otherwise on the Agenda, There is a Democratic Period after item 4. on the Agenda of each meeting when the public can raise questions and comments with the Council. Please note that anyone wishing to raise concerns should limit their time speaking to 5 minutes in order that the items on the Agenda can be completed.

In the interest of early publication for residents, draft minutes are issued within 14 days of the meeting. These may be amended before being approved and signed at the following council meeting when they become the final minutes. Draft minutes are replaced on this website by final minutes within 7 days of the approval meeting.

2024 Meeting dates:
Meeting agenda will be linked to the meeting date below, 3 days before the meeting.
Meeting minutes will be linked to the meeting date below, within 14 days after the meeting.


Monday 15th January 2024  Minutes

Monday 15th July 2024   Agenda                                     

Monday 18th March 2024  Minutes

Tuesday 3rd September 2024 Common Management


Monday 16th September 2024 

Tuesday 9th April 2024 Common Management

Committee Minutes

Monday 15th April 2024   Minutes   

Monday 21st October 2024   

Monday 20th May 2024 [1] Annual  Coleshill Parish meeting Minutes 2024

Annual Parish Council meeting  Minutes     

 Monday 9th December 2024  

Monday 17th June 2024  draft Minutes


[1] Includes Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting.

Click here to read the Council meeting minutes from previous years 

Your Parish Council

The Parish Council is the grass roots level of Local Government being elected from residents of the Village. Unlike all other levels of Government the Parish Council is non-political with elected members representing only their interest in the Village of Coleshill.  

The vision of the Parish Council is to maintain Coleshill as an attractive and thriving village combining the delights of this area of outstanding natural beauty with the amenities of a modern forward looking community.

Members of the Council

 Jon Herbert

Jonathan Herbert
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Member of the Parish Council

Specific Responsibility:

Village verge & grass cutting + sign cleaning

Annual audit of village assets

Highways within parish

Jack Adams Field

 gemma cn

 Gemma Clifford-Newman

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Member of Parish Council

Specific responsibility:

 Louise Templeton

Louise Templeton

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Member of Parish Council

Specific responsibility:

Open spaces inc. Public rights of Way

Play areas & Fitness area

 ben morgan



 Ben Morgan

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Member of Parish Council

Specific responsibility:

 Tony Treacy

Tony Treacy
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chair of Parish Council

Specific responsibility:

Village Website with support from Derek Higgins 

Liaison with Village school & PTA committee

Liaison with Tennis Club

Member of Village Hall

Council Finance

Amersham Hub liaison + Communication sub-committee



Member of Parish Council 

Specific Responsibility:





Member of the Parish Council 

Specific Responsibility:

Chair of Common Management Sub-Committee

Next Parish Council Elections : May 2025

Planning in Coleshill

The Town and Country Planning Act 1990, schedule 1, para 8, gives Parish Councils the Power to be notified of and to comment on all planning applications within the Parish.  The Local Planning Authority is Buckinghamshire Council

Click here to email and questions or query regarding planning in Coleshill.

Parish Council Email Mailing List

The Parish Council operates a mailing list to keep residents updated with useful information.  By subscribing to the list, you will receive the following categories of information in your email mailbox:

     1. Parish Council notices (eg meeting agendas)
     2. Planning application notices
     3.Thames Valley Police notices
     4. Road works and road closure notices.
     5. Severe weather warnings
     6. Other similar information of general interest

To subscribe to the mailing list, please click here to submit your details.

The link above can also be used by subscribers who wish to remove themselves from the list.

Click here to read the Parish Council Annual Report

Coleshill Common Byelaws

Click on this link to read the byelaws that govern the use of the common.

Village Pond

The village pond and its husbandry was the subject of a report in 2007 which led to the recent clean up.To read this report click here

Council Documentation

Code of Conduct

Standing Orders

Publication Scheme

Information Policy

Complaints Procedure

Financial Regulations

Grievance Procedure

Equality & Diversity policy

Dignity at work policy

Policy for Dealing with the Press

Health & Safety policy

Members Declaration of Interest of Interest:

Cllr. Tony Treacy                  Cllr. Jon Herbert             Cllr. Ben Morgan      

Cllr. Gemma Clifford-Newman               Cllr. Louise Templeton

Location of Public Land & Fixed assetsLocation of Parish Land & Fixed Assets






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