
The Parish Council is currently conducting a survey of residents to ascertain their views about the care and maintenance of Coleshill Common and Village Pond. As the managers of these two amenities, we are eager to receive the results of the survey and thank the Parish Council for organising it.

You can see the results of the survey here.

We will do our best to ensure that future plans align with the desires of residents.

A few words about ourselves and what we do:


Our committee was founded about thirty years ago by the late Ann Trotman, a Coleshill resident and renowned botanist. She inspired us to look after the Common and preserve it for future generations. Our objectives are set out in the following two documents:

Common Management Plan        Pond Management Plan


Britain's commons play an important role in nature conservation because the countryside is becoming more and more built upon or used for intensive agriculture. So commons are part of a dwindling inventory of land that is free of pesticides and herbicides and where our native species can live in tranquillity. To help with nature conservation we are work closely with the Bucks Berks and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust who advise us how to maintain and improve our habitats.


As well as preserving the common for the natural world, we also welcome human visitors to enjoy a peaceful and delightful space right in the centre of the village.


The committee periodically organise volunteer work parties to clear paths and keep the common tidy. We are a friendly group and are always on the look out for new volunteers. If you would like to join us, please use our contact form.

Derek Higgins for Common Management Committee
(Graham Thorne, Chris Wege, Andrew Davis, Nigel Suttie, Derek Higgins)

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