
Key Activities

For many years Coleshill had a very active Drama Group, producing two plays a year that were well supported by the village, which especially enjoyed Pantomimes or Dinner Comedies. Unfortunately, towards the end of the nineties, we lost our storage for costumes; our facilities for easy storage of props and scenery and some of our key members. The remaining members occaisonally met for play readings and have put on an enjoyable murder/mystery dinner play, which required no scenery.

We will be having occasional play readings, held in each others homes, during the year and this is a good way to meet people, without having to commit to being in a production. Out of these, we hope to find a play which could be put on in the hall.


The Pantomime
'The Babes In Hodgemoor Woods' - by Lindsey Hanbner

This was staged in Coleshill on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd February 2008 and was the latest panto from Lindsey since 'Santa in Space' many years ago. The panto played to packed houses for two evening and one matinee production and was greatly received by audience and payers alike. It was staged in support of the Rosanna Hospital Appeal.

Some pictures form the production are shown below. Some children are featured in these pictures - if any parent would prefer there child not to appear please contact the web site.

All these pictures were taken by Frank Auton and are low resolution for the web site. Higher resolution pictures are obtainable by emailing the web site and providing your email address.

Passion Play

Some members of the Drama Group staged a Passion Play, produced in St Mary’s Church in March 2003.


Contact Details

If you would like to receive details of the Drama Group or any of the events, or if you have a suggestion for a play which could be put on easily, please contact:


- click here to email the Drama Group

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